Our Mission

Thoth Corporation’s mission is to empower and nurture the next generation of creative minds. With us, kids and teenagers will get experience by exploring and developing their talents in comic book production, creative writing, business, livestreaming, podcasting, and other areas. Our programs have a supportive environment that stimulates creativity, innovation, and the personal and professional development of young people.

Guiding Principles

  1. Creativity:
    • Inspiration, transformation, and the drive for change all come from the power of creativity. That’s why our programs are designed to elevate the imaginative potential of young minds while helping them express their uniqueness.
  2. Innovation:
    • Always be ready for change. We encourage our students to embrace new ideas, experiment with their creative elements while consistently empowering them to push the boundaries in whatever creative field they touch.
  3. Collaboration:
    • One of our keys to success is in collaboration. Teamwork and cooperation are at the heart of our structure and we believe in giving students the ability to learn from one another. Our community of creatives is excited to share their knowledge and experience.
  4. Integrity:
    • Integrity is at the root of everything we do, and it is why we hold ourselves to a high standard. Transparency and accountability reflect our values and ensure that we adhere to our mission.
  5. Growth:
    • We don’t believe in complacency. Being there for the continuous growth and development of our students while helping them build confidence and resilience ensures that they will have the skills they need to succeed in whatever they choose to do.
  6. Impact:
    • This isn’t just about a moment in time…it is about altering the future. We believe creative minds should be nurtured and pushed to the forefront of society. Our students gain the tools and knowledge they need to share their voices and contribute to their communities and the world.





